Canon Collins Trust Leigh Day Scholarship 2023


About The Canon Collins Trust

The Canon Collins Trust has been providing scholarships to southern African students since 1981. The Trust has provided support to more than 4000 scholars from around 14 countries. Presently the Trust is providing scholarships for both postgraduates and undergraduates for studying in the UK, South Africa, Malawi, and Ireland.

London-based Leigh Day & Co specializes in human rights and personal injury law. The firm was founded in 1987. It seeks to maintain its reputation as a niche law firm that deals with challenging issues and is bold enough to take on cases that other firms would not take on.

Canon Collins Trust Leigh Day Scholarship

Canon Collins Trust Leigh Day Scholarship 2023

Human rights and law have long been among the priority areas of Canon Collins for scholarship awards. Canon Collins Trust is inviting applications from the students, who are in their 2nd or 3rd year of LLB at the University of the Western Cape or the University of Fort Hare, to apply for their scholarship for the academic year 2023. There will be funding of two years.

Students will receive this payment into their student accounts, so it will initially go towards their fees, and they can use any remaining funds for books, accommodations, or other study-related expenses.

This year, the Trust is likely to make 4-5 new awards, although there is no set number. Awards are made in accordance with available funds and the suitability of the applicants. 

Scholarship Coverage

There will be an award of R40,000 for each academic year.  There will be funding available for up to two years. Applicants who wish to study remotely will be considered, regardless of whether they wish to study full-time or part-time.

Canon Collins Trust organizes several annual conferences for their present scholars and also hosts many small events at various times of the year. In addition to participating in these activities, scholarship holders are expected to become active in their networks and contribute to them.

Eligibility Criteria

A candidate must meet the following requirements to apply for the Canon Collins Trust Leigh Day Scholarship 2023:

  • National of any of these countries: South Africa, Botswana, Angola, Malawi, Lesotho, Namibia, Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Zimbabwe.
  • Having an excellent academic record and being active in extracurricular activities.
  • Students in their 2nd or 3rd year of their law degree at the University of the Western Cape or the University of Fort Hare.
  • Academic Records – The applicant’s completed years of study should show good results, or he or she should show improvement over those years. References should also be excellent.
  • Work Experience – Applicants with work experience and education that are clearly connected are preferred.
  • Personality traits like Leadership Competencies, Commitment to community/Country
  • Applicants should possess excellent English skills

You must meet all the above criteria in order to apply. Click here to read the complete guidelines for applying.

How to Apply?

You need to submit the Canon Collins Trust Leigh Day Scholarship 2023 application online by accessing the online application form here.

Start a new form and you’ll get full instructions.

While filling out the form keep in mind that your application will be read by someone else. Thus, please DO:

  1. Make sure your grammar and presentation are correct
  2. Fill out all sections
  3. make sure to attach all relevant documents
  4. Make sure you submit your application on time

And please do NOT:

  1. Give the same answer twice
  2. Capitalize your words
  3. make unnecessary attachments

There will be no consideration for incomplete applications. 

Documents Required

It is necessary to complete all sections of the application form before submitting it to the system. The applicant can save and edit information until you click on the submit button. All applicants need to submit the following supporting documentation:

  • If available, a copy of your degree certificate
  • Transcripts of academic records (certified copy)
  • Document of identification (acceptable documents are birth certificate, passport or  driving license)

You should request a reference from your referees that relates to your scholarship application. The letter should explain what makes you a strong candidate, demonstrate that you possess the skills required for the program, and indicate how you can contribute to future impact.

Closing Date

The application deadline is 26 September 2022 at 15:00 GMT. There will be no consideration for late applications.

Interviews with shortlisted applicants will take place in November. The results of your application will be announced in November 2022.

Note: Please don’t mail Canon Collins to inquire about the results of your applications. Make sure to provide a correct email address as email notifications will be sent to you for any updates. 
