Samsung Partners with GCRA to Provide R2.7 Million Worth of Bursaries


Samsung has recently awarded R2.7 million worth of bursary support to 30 deserving, young South African students during a ceremony in Johannesburg and hosted by Gauteng Premier, Mr. David Makhura together with Mr. Panyaza Lesufi, MEC for Education and Youth Development. In total, the South Korean multinational conglomerate has donated R21 million to various higher education institutions including Gauteng’s Department of Education.

Beneficiaries of the bursary programme are Gauteng residents, and are attending various higher education institutions across South Africa. The Gauteng City Region Academy (an office under the Gauteng Department of Education) oversees the selection of deserving candidates and also administers the bursary programme on behalf of Samsung. Full bursary coverage will support a beneficiary’s one academic year as they pursue a recognized qualification at a university of their own choosing. Students who are eligible to receive bursary funding must be pursuing their qualification in the following fields

  • Electronics
  • Commerce
  • Engineering
  • Retail
  • Sales
  • Marketing

Hlubi Shivanda, Director for Business Innovation Group and Corporate Affairs at Samsung South Africa has this to say about the bursary programme:

“…At Samsung, we believe that education ,mentorship,and on-the-job training can open new doors for the young people of this county. Working together with the students, higher institutions of learning and the government, we can dedicate the necessary resources and time to create endless possibilities while inspiring our youth to take their place at the forefront of the Fourth Revolution. It is with great pride that we partner with the Gauteng Department of Education to ensure that we can empower our country’s youth to fulfill their full potential…”

In addition to funding their education, Samsung is pledging to provide potential employment support for deserving students who successfully complete their qualifications.

The ongoing bursary assistance is dependent on the students’ academic performance as per GCRA policy. Although bursary support only covers one academic year, it may be renewed annually depending on the student’s academic performance as well. The bursary programme also provides various support for other areas to ensure the success of every student. Such support systems include:

  • Quarterly support sessions with Samsung, as well as student liaison officers
  • Personal guidance through coaching
  • Career guidance and counseling

Samsung will continue to pursue opportunities that give the youth of South Africa the tools and support to become meaningfully engaged in the economy and pursue their dreams,” Shivanda said.

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